Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Longhorn - El's birthday dinner

Longhorn was an excellent restaurant for Bar-B-Que lovers. I had a german sausage sandwich. It was very good, but I thought there was a little too much meat on it. For a side, I had mashed potatoes and gravy, and some baked beans. Since we went there for my birthday, I got a free ice cream sundae. It was good, with caramel and chocolate sauce, whipped cream, with vanilla ice cream. I enjoyed it. Em had a kids meal with a shredded beef sandwich. She would have rather had mac and cheese (big surprise!). We both had sodas, Em had a coke, and I had a root beer. My dad had an IPA and a Bar-B-Que pork sandwich. The meal was better than he thought it was going to be. My mom had a root beer and sausage sandwich. She didn't appreciate the sticky plastic table cloth.

Longhorn is kid friendly. The decor was western and we got to enjoy western music while we ate our meal.

Over all, I give Longhorn 3 stars.

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