Monday, August 8, 2011


The Toulouse Petit was a very good restaurant. We sat next to a very tall window that opened on a very beautiful Seattle morning and we were excited to see what the menu had to offer us. I got the butter milk pancakes and orange juice. The pancakes were really good I got whipped butter with them and real maple syrup, they were some of the best pancakes I have ever had. I would give them four stars. The orange juice was freshly squeezed. So the orange juice gets four stars also. We also got beignets when we got them they were piping hot, they were so delicious! They came with chicory anglaise dipping sauce. My mom had their dungeness crab with fine herb eggs Benedict and breakfast potatoes. She also had fresh squeezed orange juice. She said that her food was amazing. My dad had cured pork cheek confit hash. He wasn't expecting all the arugula that came on it, but was presently surprised he said it had a fresh taste to it. For his beverages he ordered coffee that came in a french press, he also got milk punch. He enjoyed the milk punch so much that he ordered another one. He really enjoyed his meal. They also had very nice bathrooms. My mom and I liked the faucets.

So in all the restaurant gets four stars

This restaurant is great for all ages.


  1. Sounds delicious, El and Em! I have had a drink made from chicory, but never a dipping sauce...I am curious if you liked the beignets better with or without the sauce? Real maple syrup, dungeness crab and arugula (not necessarily all together ;) ) are some of my favorite foods, so fun that they all were included in the breakfast spread! Yum!

  2. Emily - nice review. You are right on...really good stuff. Keep on writing and eating. :-)

  3. Thanks Jacob and Stillpoint Photography!

    -Em & El

    P.S. Stillpoint Photography I liked the beignets better with out the sauce

  4. Hi Em and El - Glad you are doing a foodie blog so I can live vicariously through your very sophisticated culinary experiences. I especially like the way you have described the setting of the Queen Anne restaurant. The setting of where you have a meal can make it extra special and sitting by that "big window" sounds wonderful! Keep sharing - love it - Paige

  5. thanks, we hope to have a post about south perry pizza soon.
